Become a Coach

Wrestling 201: Course for Coaches

Wrestling Australia have developed the Wrestling 201: Course for Coaches as the first step on our new coaching and official's accreditation system. This course is for coaches looking to gain their Level 1 Wrestling Australia coaching accreditation, allowing them to coach at the developmental level of the sport.

Information on the Wrestling Australia Level 1 Coaching process, click here.

Course material covered in the Wrestling 201 Course:

* Identify and implement safety measures in wrestling training and competition.

* Demonstrate mastery of 15 fundamental technical skills in Wrestling and apply different teaching methods based on learning styles.

* Effectively communicate with parents, understanding their conerns and promote Wrestling as a safe and beneficial sport .

* Understand the role of a Wrestling coach, differentiate between mass sport and high performance enviroment, recognize good and bad coaching behaviours, and apply principles of talent identification.

* Develop a comprehensive training plan for beginners.

* Apply different coaching styles, provide effective feedback, practise active listening, and ask questions to enhance communication skills with wrestlers and parents.

* Deliver a practical micro session to demonstrate to meet required competency criteria in accordance with Wrestling 201 course curriculum 

To access the course, please click here

Wrestling 101: Introduction to the Sport

This course has been designed for anyone who is involved, or interested in wrestling across all levels. This course serves as a general prerequisite for educational pathways (coaches, referees, athletes and managers) developed by Wrestling Australia. Participants in this course will gain a general overview of wrestling as an Olympic sport, and its place within the sports community, as well as better understand the athlete and coach pathways in Australia. 

To access the course, please click here.


Community Coaching - Essential Skills Course

Whether you've been coaching for 2 weeks or 20 years, we encourage you to complete the Community Coaching - Essential Skills Course. Developed by the the Australian Sports Commission, to meet the needs of the participants in our current sporting environments, the course gives coaches the knowledge and resources to create fun, safe and inclusive environments for all athletes.


You can learn at your own pace and complete the 8 modules anytime, anywhere, on any device. Best of all, it's free!


Access the course here: Essential skills course | Sport Australia


Sports Integrity Australia On-line Learning 

Clean Sport 101- An introduction to Anti-Doping rules in plain English.  Designed for pathway athletes early in their career, unlikely to be tested and in the grassroot/community level.

Click here to access the course

Anti Doping Fundamentals (Level 1)- Comprehensive Anti-Doping education designed for all athletes and support personnel.

Click here to access the course.

Annual Update (Level 2)- Annual refresher course for athletes and support personnel.

Click here to access the course.

Sports Integrity Australia Coaches Course – An Anti-Doping Course tailored to the important role coaches play in their athletes career.

Click here to access the course

Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport Induction – Course designed to help coaches understand Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport, including practices and how to recognise and respond to possible breaches.

Click here to access the course.